2021 Letter of Inquiry and Full Proposal Questions

Listed below are the letter of inquiry and full proposoal questions. Use this list to prepare your answers prior to working through the application.

Letter of Inquiry Questions

  1. Organization Name
  2. Project title
  3. Requested amount 
  4. Brief Project budget – Include any other revenue sources & expenses
  5. Primary contact person Name, Phone Number & Email Address
  6. Do you primarily serve the Greater Cedarburg Area? 
  7. Please select the program area that best corresponds to your project: Preservation of cultural & historic heritage, enhancement of artistic and aesthetic experiences, education, recreation, human services, other  
  8. Is this a new or existing project?
  9. Project description. (200 words allowed) 
  10. Briefly describe the goals and objectives for this project. (200 words allowed)
  11. Explain how the requested funds will be used. (100 words allowed) 

Full Proposal Questions

  1. Amount Requested
  2. Name of Chief Executive Officer
  3. Chief Executive Officer’s title
  4. Chief Executive Officer’s email address
  5. When are funds needed?
  6. Please list your current board members.
  7. Describe any significant changes to your organization over the past year.
  8. Grant Period
  9. Describe the organizations you may be collaborating with on this project and the contribution of the other organizations. 
  10. Describe the expected outcomes or results, and the indicators of those outcomes.
  11. Outline the strategy, methodology and timeline to be used in the development and implementation of the project.
  12. Describe the evaluation process and how the results will be measured.
  13. Describe plans for ensuring continued funding after the grant period.
  14. Organization's total operating budget for current fiscal year
  15. Any other pertinent information you would like us to know?
  16. Enter Project Budget in template provided
  17. Please use this space to enter budget narrative information. Explain any expenses in the Other category.
  18. Describe the status of the pending request(s) to other revenue sources.

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For questions about the application process, contact Fred Gutierrez.