Investment in Communities
The Greater Milwaukee Foundation is marshaling the full strength of our reputation and resources – through grants, partnerships, research and advocacy – to address the following priority areas and close chronic gaps in community and individual well-being.

Early childhood education
Every family deserves access to high-quality care and education for their child. The Foundation is dedicated to improving early childhood education by focusing on healthy birth outcomes and by increasing the quality of and improving access to child care in the city of Milwaukee.

Equitable economic opportunity
Affordable housing, a strong small business sector and a well-trained workforce are key elements that make up the thriving community that we envision. We are committed to contributing to that economic vibrancy.

Community Wellness
Through investments in mental health, physical health, basic needs and medical research, among other areas, the Foundation is working to advance the well-being of the entire community.

Arts and culture
Investment in the arts promotes expression of multiple perspectives. We support activities where residents can readily access, participate in and create art and experiences that are culturally appropriate and resonate with them.

ThriveOn Collaboration
Led by the Foundation, the Medical College of Wisconsin and developer Royal Capital, the place-based ThriveOn Collaboration is committed to eliminating health, economic and social disparities perpetuated by systemic racism and generational disinvestment.
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Increasing the quality of and improving access to child care in the city of Milwaukee.
Read moreFostering a strong local economy by investing in small businesses, affordable housing and workforce development.
Read MoreSupporting organizations that ensure equal access to health care resources and opportunities for all individuals.
Read MoreInvestments in artists and organizations that contribute to the region’s vibrancy.
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