Reason For Hope MKE Fund

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Background information 

Amid the unrest in Milwaukee’s Sherman Park neighborhood in 2016 following the murder of Sylville Smith, the Foundation created the Reasons for Hope MKE Fund to support community-led solutions toward peace and relationship building. The fund was created in direct response to many people and organizations who were seeking to act directly and immediately in their neighborhoods.  

While the Foundation is engaged in larger, long-term efforts to support neighborhoods, this fund is purposely intended to provide highly targeted, immediate support to under resourced community efforts over the short term. Our intention is to avoid advancing a quick fix to the broad and complex problems affecting our neighborhoods. Instead, we are prioritizing community power and representation, while leveraging a community advisory council to advance proposals that build equity into our way of being. 

Area served 

City of Milwaukee 

Who can apply 

Grants are made to 501(c) (3) organizations that have board membership that comprises at least 10 percent people of color.  

Please note: Entities that do not have this designation may use a fiscal sponsor to serve as the recipient and manager of the grant.  

Grantmaking focus 

Nonprofits interested in partnering with residents, community leaders and stakeholders in activities that promote community cohesion, foster support and mentoring for youth and young adults are invited to apply. 

Grant amount 

Grant amounts range from $1,000 to $10,000.  

Funding may be used for activities that promote community building, unity and outreach, social-emotional learning, health and wellness, and mentoring to youth and young adults that keep them engaged during the summer.   

Evaluation criteria 

Submitted proposals are evaluated with framework built upon the 414Life Milwaukee Blueprint for Peace. Successful proposals will demonstrate an effective community-based strategy to advance progress toward one of these goals:  

2024 Timeline 

Applications open: March 18 

Applications close: April 5