Generating community impact requires a catalyst and commitment

In chemistry, a catalyst changes the rate of a reaction without being consumed or altered in the process. It’s no wonder this term has been adopted as a metaphor in philanthropy, particularly among community foundations. We are built to accelerate positive change while enduring as permanent leaders and stewards of a region’s generosity.

While we have consistently embraced this role for over a century, there may be no stronger case presently for the catalytic power of the Greater Milwaukee Foundation than our Greater Together Campaign
Through this visionary effort, donors representing every facet of the philanthropic community are joining together, committing the resources needed to enhance the vitality of the region and increase access to the building blocks of a better life. Through our added focus on health equity, educational opportunity, economic opportunity and housing security, we are also counteracting systemic racial disparities that prevent our broader community from thriving. 
Our comprehensive campaign’s goal of $700 million is ambitious, but necessary to truly build a Milwaukee for all, because lasting change requires generational investment. And while our sights are set on long-term transformation, we already see evidence of extraordinary impact made possible and fortified by the community’s generosity and support through the campaign.

Driving change through intentional, collective action

For instance, our impact investing program, which advances economic equity by providing access to capital where resources are scarce, has helped create or retain nearly 370 jobs. The vast majority of these investments have supported Black and Brown business owners and employees.
We continue to address a spectrum of challenges in the early childhood education sector, including low wages, workforce shortages, access and affordability. With Milwaukee Succeeds, for example, we are supporting a project led by child care resource and referral agency 4C For Children that aims to help 20 local early childhood education providers earn national accreditation. This could ensure 500 high-quality child care spots for kids in predominantly Black and Brown neighborhoods. 

This summer, the Foundation was honored with the 2023 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary’s Award for Public-Philanthropic Partnerships for our role as a founding partner and principal funder of the Community Development Alliance, as we work together to create opportunities for 32,000 more Black and Latino residents to become homeowners.
Amid these many reasons for hope, perhaps nothing embodies our vision of a Milwaukee for all more than the ThriveOn Collaboration, where our priorities intersect, energized by deep neighborhood partnership. The Foundation’s catalytic investment with the Medical College of Wisconsin and Royal Capital in the heart of Bronzeville includes our ThriveOn King redevelopment. Within the historic walls of a former department store, the community will soon see avenues for impact like never before as we collectively bring together:

  • 78 high-quality early childhood education seats plus professional development for neighborhood providers with the opening of a new Malaika Early Learning Center site
  • 90 units of quality housing for older adults, families and students at a range of income levels
  • Proven programs that help community members find and keep good jobs through the integration of JobsWork MKE
  • Greater health equity through a Versiti Blood Center of Wisconsin donation and training site, wellness space and healthy food offerings.
  • And much more – by early next year, in fact, the Foundation itself will call ThriveOn King home

Impact like this only happens when philanthropy, community, nonprofit and civic sectors adjoin forces with intentionality through the leadership of organizations like the Foundation and opportunities like our Greater Together Campaign.

Honoring donor intent, partnership

Through each passing year and with every emerging community need, we continue to support our donors’ full range of interests. Their passions are at the center of investments that strengthen every inch of the region. Their trust in the Foundation and belief in the campaign is best evidenced by year-over-year growth in the funding we have committed to our community. Last year alone, the Foundation provided over $81.2 million in total grants, thanks to donors’ generosity, with many choosing to give at unprecedented levels.
Although historic in its scale and approach, our campaign has not redefined the community outcomes we are prioritizing. Rather, it has allowed us to reimagine what philanthropy means to us and who it includes, so our impact in these areas of longstanding support and importance can reach new heights. By welcoming new donors of color; by strengthening relationships with professional advisers, community advisers and ambassadors; by celebrating philanthropy in every form – gifts of time, talent, ties and treasure – in all of these ways and more, the Foundation demonstrates how we are greater together.
We are deeply grateful for every donor whose partnership with the Foundation has brought us closer to our comprehensive goal, and we are inspired by many who are aligning their giving with our shared priorities of the ThriveOn Collaboration, early childhood education, housing, impact investing and flexible funds.
In a few short months, we will be closing the book on the Greater Together Campaign, but the final chapter of this epic journey is not yet written. Not only does the opportunity to give remain, the imperative to be bold is stronger than ever. While we are within arm’s reach of our total goal, as a community we can do more, and our priorities need further support if we are to continue tangible movement toward a Milwaukee for all.
Together, we have the chemistry to advance catalytic change. We all have a role. We can all be part of something bigger that benefits our community for generations to come. We are all philanthropists.

Ellen M. Gilligan
President & CEO
Greater Milwaukee Foundation