“Good lives here” is the slogan of the Otto Bremer Trust, a private charitable trust based in St. Paul, Minn. Its good work extended to the Greater Milwaukee Foundation earlier this year through a philanthropic partnership, in which the two administered funds to nonprofits in Milwaukee and the surrounding counties through OBT’s Community Responsive Fund.
“The Otto Bremer Trust Community Responsive Fund brought $3.5 million in funding to our community for deeper investment in basic needs, community asset building, health and well-being and restorative and responsive activities,” said Janel Hines, vice president of community impact for the Greater Milwaukee Foundation. “We are aligned with the Otto Bremer Trust's mission to enhance the quality of life for people in our region, and we welcomed the opportunity through their philanthropic intermediary pilot to introduce the Trust to the great work of our nonprofit partners.”
Serving as the local expert and OBT’s philanthropic intermediary partner to administer and distribute funds, the Foundation funded over 40 nonprofits and organizations addressing such priorities as basic needs, community asset building and health & well-being. Grant amounts varied from $10,000 to $75,000.
“The Trust’s mission has always been to provide funding to organizations and programs that effectively address challenges and opportunities in the local community,” said Frank Miley, co-CEO and trustee, OBT. “And what better way to have a deeper understanding of where those challenges are than to work with an organization like the Greater Milwaukee Foundation, which is fully integrated into the community and regions we serve.”
Through support from OBT and the Foundation, these organizations will continue to make an impact on Milwaukee and beyond through their services and programs.
See the list below or view our full list of recent grants. Use the search bar function to type in an organization’s name and learn more about the project that was funded.
Aging and older adults
Center for Leadership of Afrikan Women's Wellness
Basic needs
Advocates of Ozaukee
Alverno College
Cathedral Center
Family Promise of Washington County
Family Promise of Waukesha County
Friedens Community Ministries
Hanan Refugees Relief Group
Hebron Housing Services
Hope House of Milwaukee
Hunger Task Force
IMPACT Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services
Interchange Incorporated
Just One More Ministry
Kinship MKE
Neighborhood House of Milwaukee
Repairers of the Breach
St. Vincent de Paul Society of Milwaukee
Street Angels
The Women's Center
Tikkun Ha-Ir of Milwaukee
Vivent Health
Walker's Point Youth & Family Center
Wisconsin Veterans Network
Entrepreneurship and small business development
BizStarts Milwaukee
Bridge to Brighter
Courage MKE
Foundations for Freedom
Havenwoods Neighborhood Partnership
La Casa de Esperanza
Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee
Metcalfe Park Community Bridges
Sherman Park Community Association
Urban Economic Development Assoc. of WI
Veterans Community Project
Mental health
Convergence Resource Center
CORE El Centro
Future Urban Leaders Foundation
Grand Avenue Club
Guest House of Milwaukee
Holistic Life Foundation
I Have A Dream Foundation
Kids Matter
Milwaukee Turners
PEARLS for Teen Girls
Serenity Inns
Silver Spring Neighborhood Center
Physical health
AFAR INC d/b/a The Ability Center
American Heart Association
Bread of Healing
Center for Veterans Issues
HEAR Wisconsin
Lake Area Free Clinic
Milwaukee Diaper Mission
Mother Kathryn Daniels Conference Center
Project Kindred
Waukesha County Community Dental Clinic
Wisconsin Adaptive Sports Association
Wisconsin Community Services
Workforce development
Community Warehouse
Hispanic Professionals of Greater Milwaukee
Historic King Drive Business Improvement District
JobsWork MKE
My Way Out
Prism Economic Development Corporation
Project Return