MPS teacher’s charitable fund leaves legacy of impact

One might call Mary Ann Padol a “stealth philanthropist” — seeking to address community needs while seeking no recognition for herself. 

After graduating from Mount Mary College, Padol taught in Milwaukee Public Schools for 40 years. She began in 1963 at Allen Field Elementary School and retired in 2000 from IDEAL (Individual Developmental Educational Approaches to Learning) Charter School, of which she was one of the founders. She passed away in 2020 at age 78, leaving a generous gift to the Greater Milwaukee Foundation through her estate plan. 

Barbara Hall, Padol’s first cousin and close friend, recalls that both of Padol’s parents were generous, especially her father. Padol often told the story of walking down the street with her father one very cold day and coming upon a man with no gloves. Her father took off his gloves and gave them to the man. 

“In the same way, Mary Ann wanted to make sure that the needy children in her classrooms had their basic needs met, so she would give them clothing and lunch money,” Barbara said. “She kept a stack of inexpensive winter gloves in her desk at school, and asked friends and family to help replenish the stack.” 

“Mary Ann did this with no fanfare,” recalled Neal Hall, Barbara’s husband. “It was just between the child and her.” 

Added Kate Lewis, Mary Ann’s financial adviser, “She was very civically aware and proud of the community in which she had worked. In her philanthropy, she was not searching for recognition — she was searching to do the right thing for those who were in need.” 

When giving to organizations, Padol was very careful with her money and did not just hand it out, said Barbara Hall. “She took her time to do the background research.” 

Padol named her field of interest fund at the Foundation the Stanley Padol Family Food Fund, after her father. The Foundation will honor Mary Ann’s intent to support meal programs and/or food pantries in Milwaukee with distributions from the fund, leaving an ongoing Padol family legacy of impact in the community.  

“Mary Ann’s philosophy was that we need to make the world a better place,” Barbara said, “and she followed through on that philosophy with her gifts. The Foundation is an excellent vehicle to carry on her work.”