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Greater Together E-newsletter (e-mail)

Greater Together E-news is our digital newsletter that features stories on the nonprofits, donors and community changemakers that the Foundation works with as we follow our strategic plan and build a Milwaukee for all. 

Greater Together Magazine (print)

A biannual publication that provides inspiring stories about our donors and our work in partnership with nonprofits, government, philanthropy and others in the community.

Message from the President (e-mail)

A message from our president & CEO Greg Wesley that shares inspiring acts of generosity that change lives and demonstrate how we are greater together.

Funding opportunities update (e-mail)

A periodic newsletter designed to keep our nonprofit partners up to date with our current funding priorities and grantmaking deadlines.

Donor news, updates and invitations  (print and e-mail)

Communications that provide donors the opportunity to learn more about community priorities and strategic philanthropy and connect with other philanthropists.


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